Talk to Us : +254 722 722 388/ +254 702 910 583 

Motor Insurance (Private & Commercial)

Having car insurance is a legal requirement and with the right level of cover, provides financial protection in the event of your vehicle being damaged. It will also provide cover for injuries to other drivers, passengers or pedestrians, and their property. Accidents happen, so it’s reassuring to know that you’re covered financially if you’re involved in one.

There are three levels of cover you can choose from - third party; third party, fire and theft; and comprehensive.

  • Third party - This is the bare minimum required by law, but isn't always the cheapest. It covers injuries to other people and damage to others property.
  • Third party, fire and theft - This is the same as third party but also covers the cost of repairs or a replacement vehicle if your car is stolen or damaged by fire.
  • Comprehensive - This is the highest level of cover you can get. It protects against damage to your own car as well as accidents involving other people. It can also include a courtesy car and legal expenses insurance; however this may be at an additional cost.

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Core Value

T - Transparency
R - Reliability
I - Integrity
U - Uniqueness
M - Measured
P - Professionalism
H - Honesty

Contact Us

For More Information.

Mobile: +254 722 722 388
Mobile: +254 702 910 583 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
0ffice: Caxton House, 1st  Floor
Standard Street 
P.O Box 46637-00100
Nairobi Kenya

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